Sales and Trading

Rasti Securities Consultant Ltd. Provides State of Art trading services. It is always committed to give best prices when executed trades for its valued investors. Efficient trading services is possible only when it has a group of experienced and knowledgeable traders.

DP services

We provide full fledge DP services (Custodial services and Settlement services) to our valued investors through our experiment staff. Full fledge DP services includes the following
• BO Registration
• Security Dematerialization and Re-materialization
• Securities Transfer and Transmission
• Securities Pledging, Un-Pledging and Confiscation
• Asset Custody
• Ownership Change

Clearing Services

Rasti Securities Consultant Ltd. Provides automated settlement clearing services based on DSE Flex-TP. For A,B,G and N category share settlement cycle is T+2 for Z category share it is T+9 and for spot shares it is T+0. The major stakeholders of the clearing system are

• Designated Banks for fund clearings
• DSE Flex-TP

Rasti Securities Consultant Ltd ensures the due time clearing of all the transaction with its own clearing tracker. Collaboration with and pressurization on other stakeholder on due time clearance is held vital in Rasti Securities Consultant Ltd.clearance culture.


SMS and E- Statement

SMS and E-Statement are sent to our valued investors immediate after the trading of the Exchange to keep them up to date about the transaction and portfolio.